Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Funny Brother

Matthew sent this email to my Mother yesterday documenting his road trip with my dad to Canada. They are picking up a friend there and headed on to Alaska. He is such a goof! I couldn't stop laughing! Enjoy

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Prusak [mailto:matthew.prusak@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 2:36 PM
To: cprusak@digis.net
Subject: Day 1 and half of day 2

Alaska Travel Log

Sunday Day 1:
3:00- depart. Dad puts on radio to FM 100.3 for Sunday music. I have to bite
my tongue and not yell at him because he starts singing. It's raining like a
beast and our windshield wipers kinda suck. We just turned onto I-15 and we
can't see anything because of the rain. I say a prayer in hope that the
rain will calm. Almost immediately the rain stops. Just another moment that
strengthens my testimony of the power of prayer. Some crazy guy just cut us
off. We are listening to a guitar medley of Come Thou Fount of Every
Blessing, and I can feel the spirit so strongly.
3:06- Dad just peed his pants... Not really, the water bottle he opened
exploded all over the front of his pants! :)
5:30- lava hot springs Idaho exit. Dang sister Eifert's brownies are
amazing! We fill up with gas and use the rest room. So far so good.
6:20- Windshield wiper malfunction during rainstorm. There is a fly
constantly pestering us. Dad gives his most earnest vow that this fly will
not live to see tomorrow.
6:47- It takes real skills to eat fried chicken and potato salad while
7:07- Still hunting the demon fly.
I missed a chance to let the fly fly out of the window. Dad says it's
alright, and that death is it's only escape
7:36- fly terminated. Specimen was a worthy foe, but ultimately, resistance
was futile.
7:39- we find our attempts at termination were less than effective. The war
7:41- fly down and twitching, prognosis foretells pain and death. Fly enters
a comatose state of living.
7:44- we have found that the specimen was not alone. Another fly discovered
and we are sorely vexed.
8:08- just entered Montana and passed over the continental divide.
8:11- time of death. Partner in crime terminated.
8:19- car in front of us is illegally impeding traffic.
10:08- spectacular sunset, beautiful colors. We stopped at a rest stop just
before butte Montana for the night. I'm super excited to sleep in the van
tonight. (hopefully you caught my sarcasm). Had scriptures and prayers. We
are going to try to have a missionary experience with pete and hopefully
something will come of it. We made a goal to read our scriptures and pray
every night. Dad gave me a pair of earplugs saying "trust me, you'll
need them". maybe he snores worse than I first guessed.Tomorrow we're going
to try to make it to Claresolm Canada by noon. We will hopefully be on the
road by 6:00 AM.

Monday Day 2

6:00 AM - dad woke up and started driving. I remained asleep in the back of
the van. We crossed the Missouri river about 6 times while I was asleep.
9:30- dad gets tired so we switch driving. I drive until 11:00. I drove
through a rainstorm and that was kinda scary.
11:10- we enter Canada and learn about dry-land farming. We see a group of
Hutterites being detained at the border. We figure they were smuggling
contraband chickens. I see fields of beautiful yellow flowers. I later find
out they are called rape seed. Commonly used canola oil is produced from
rape seed.
11:36- we past the road to Cardston where a Mormon temple was build in 1911.
Mom and dad ended up getting married at this temple in 1983. It's overcast
and rainy so I can't see the mountains that dad always brags about.
Apparently the Utah Rockies are foothills compared to the Canadian Rockies.
11:41- we indulge in another one of sister Eifert's brownies and almost die
because they are so amazzzzzzing.


my biggest love-hate relationship

Thesis- (verb)the most horrible punishment known to mankind. (also see stupid graduate students for clarification)

But...I survived it! Wahoo! It was a lot of hard work boring days filled with writing and re-writing my drafts. I literally re-wrote every word in most of the document 15 different times. I think it turned out to be a great piece of work and i am excited to try and publish it in a journal.

The process is tedious (that is the understatement of the year). The thesis has to go through about 20 people to get approved with one of them being the dean of the college. I was nervous to leave my paper with him because we were told that he reads every thesis and makes sure they are to his standards.

I heard that several people get rejected at this point. Once he was done reading my thesis his secretary called me and told me it was done and that I could come pick it up from her. She sounded excited on the phone, but I didn't know what to think. I headed up to her office and she just gave me a huge smile when I walked in and said the dean finished your paper and it is ready to go onto the next step. What she said next made me so proud of all my hard work. She opened up my paper to the first page and there was a note from the dean.

She proceeded to tell me that he never leaves notes commenting on how good a paper is and that this truly was a great compliment and that I had accomplished something amazing!

Now Rodney J Brown I don't know you and would have no idea if I walked past you one day, but thank you for taking the time to read my work and make me feel accomplished!

I don't know if I am a master of anything, maybe just a master of staring at my computer for obscene amounts of time, but I do feel like for the first time in my life I am starting to understand what it means to really learn and think, not just regurgitate information then forget it all after the exam.

Now call me sick and twisted, but I truly feel that I need to go on for my PhD. My post was titled my biggest love-hate relationship. I hated the process and the hoops and the back tracking it felt like I did every other day, but I love the accomplishment and feeling that I really can think for myself.

We will see what the year brings, I will most likely apply to the U for their PhD program in athletic training starting fall 2013. That way I can still live in spanish fork and take the commuter train to school everyday. I am excited for my future and I hope to be able to teach young minds what I have learned to help further the field of athletic training.