Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My healthy venture

As you may know I have had a rough time with my health and I was referred to a new doctor who I met with last week. She diagnosed me with polycystic ovarian syndrome. My doctor told me that my body was being stressed by carbohydrates. Along with other problems. Apparently it doesn't know how to process them and just turns the sugars to fat. So I have had to change my diet for the rest of my life.

I have been going at it for about a week now and I have dropped about 6 pounds. I have done some research to make healthy choices. I thought I would post some of my new favorite foods. First of all almond milk. If you get it unsweetened it is 40 calories a serving. I can eat a serving of kashi whole grain cereal with almond milk and feel full for several hours. It is great.

I also was told to avoid overly fatty things. I have found that low fat laughing cow cheese provides a great alternative. I have used it in a healthy tofu fettachini dish. It also goes great on a pita or wrap. It spreads really well!

I was also told to drink pretty much straight water or vitamin water. I hate the flavor of vitamin water so I am doing straight water. I have found that I like drinking water when it is really cold. I have found that I can pack my nalgene bottle full of ice then add water and it stays cold for hours. I love it and have actually really enjoyed the water part of my diet. That probably sounds silly, but it's true!

I will keep posting on my success. I meet with the doctor and go over all of my blood work tomorrow afternoon.

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