Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day twenty four

Day 24 - A letter to your parents

Mom and Dad,
I could go on for ages with all I have to say, but two words really say how I feel. Thank you! You are the best parents anyone could ask for. I love how selfless and caring you both are. Mom always makes sure that I have enough to survive, and more. Dad always keeps me from going insane with school and work. You both both always have the right piece of advice for me and seem to know when to give me space to grow and when to hold me close and tight. You never judge me for my shortcomings and praise me when I have the smallest accomplishment. You both have an amazing testimony of the Gospel and have helped me know that I want to have one as strong as yours. You show me through your dedication to each other and our family that family it truly what matters in this life and the one to come. I am so excited when I have even just a few minutes to spend with you, because that is all it takes to turn my mood right around. I love that mom always looks for ways to serve me and that dad is such a sweetie. I love that I know you are truly in love by their dedication to our Father in Heaven to keep the covenants you made to each other and Him. I love that through all the struggles of moving, money shortages, butt-head teens you never gave up on us or life. Logically you should have! I love you both and could never begin to convey the deep gratitude I have for being a part of our family! I love you both forever and ever! Thank you for being such great parents!

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