Sunday, January 6, 2013

Orange free orange smoothie

I love green smoothies or shakes or what every you like to call them. I usually just make a new creation each time I make one. No recipe. I have learned though that less is more. Don't try to cram 13 different fruits and veggies into it. It won't taste as good.

I usually cheat and use a fruit juice base instead of water. I think it added just the right sweetness without going over board. I usually buy the V8 fusion light drinks. These are only around 50 calories for each 8 oz serving. I use at the most 4-6 oz.

This orange free smoothie is to play off of the orange color in carrots. I love orange juice, but sometimes I don't want a citrus flavor. That is how this drink came about. This sweet and earthy drink is bound to impress even the biggest green smoothie critics!

Orange Free Orange Smoothie
by:Krista Prusak

4 oz carrot juice (I juice and freeze mine ahead of time)
1 small banana
2 kiwis
10 ice cubes
4-6 oz Peach Mango V8 fusion light

Blend together in a blender until smooth. Enjoy!

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