Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why Vegan?

Some of you may be wondering why do I think becoming vegan will be the answer I am looking for. I mentioned in my first post this year about dabbling in this lifestyle before. I have researched this topic probably more than I did my topic for thesis. This is what I have found out.

1. That the word of wisdom is the most correct way to care for our bodies.
2. Fruits and vegetables have many benefits besides decreasing our waist size.
3. A western diet-high in meat, dairy and eggs-is tasty, but deadly.
4. Exercise is key, but cannot be the only change to have a healthy lifestyle.
5. My carbon footprint is better than some, but still too large for my liking.

I will go into depth on these and other topics in future posts. I hope you will research for yourselves. We can do hard things!


  1. Krista, You can do hard things! I am proud of you for your strong resolve to change what you feel needs changing! We all have things in our lives that are hard. I totally know what you mean about the cycle of self-doubt and self-destruction. I wish you all the best with this lifestyle change. Wow, it's a big one. But you can do it! I love you and am happy to call you a friend. Good luck this year and I can't wait to see your updates and recipes! ( I love recipes!)

    1. Thanks Carlie! I feel the same about you! I will definitely post recipes for you! Also, I know you have been really healthy lately! Great job! I look to you as an inspiration! ~Krista
